Schools determined to abide by CS Magoha's position on opening of schools


Opinion: Reasons Schools should remain closed in Kenya 9/26/2020   7:22

For over 6 months now,all learning institutions have remained closed in Kenya.This was after the first cases of Covid 19 was reported in the country.Closure was necessary to cut down the spread of the virus.

Calls for reopening of schools have been at a rise over the last few weeks.But most of the learning institutions have not yet met the requirements for reopening.Lack of water and adequate classrooms is a major problem.Social distancing would be ineffective in most schools due to the high population of students and pupils.

Currently,the government is having plans on advocating for school desks.It is clear that schools need to be given more time to acquire the necessary equipments.Further suspension of learning is necessary.

Parents too need to be given time to acquire basic necessities for their children before reopening.Parents need to be given time to plan as they are to meet all the costs including purchasing of hand sanitizers and masks for their children.Is it time to reopen?Drop your views.


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